Join the AOA’s Own the Bone Program for a special sponsored webinar by IlluminOss. Carol Lin, MD, FAOA, traumatologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, will present about “Strategies for Fixation in Severely Osteoporotic Bone”. During this lecture, Dr. Lin will review techniques to maximize fracture fixation stability to facilitate early weight bearing and functional recovery in fragility fractures with extreme osteoporosis.

Carol Lin, MD, FAOA

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Carol Lin, MD, FAOA

Carol Lin, MD is the Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics and Associate Director of the Orthopaedic Residency Program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Free for all participants.

The AOA thanks IlluminOss for their financial support of this webinar.

The AOA’s hosting of this webinar for educational purposes does not imply AOA endorsement of any company, product, or service.