The registry system allows sites to generate the following reports:

Subject Listing Report

Listing summarizing all patients’ demographic data (e.g. gender, race, previous fracture history) with automatically-generated charts illustrating % of patients by category.

Total Number of Subjects Report

Total number of patients currently entered into the registry by a site. Sites can also access a report indicating how many fragility fracture patients have been entered in a specific time period.

Follow-up Report

Listing of all patients with date of fracture and date of follow up.

Percent Follow-up Report

Total number of patients entered, total number patient follow ups, and percentage of patients entered by a site that have complete follow up data.

Follow Up Due Report

Listing of patients at a site who are pending follow up, with date of fracture, and number of days since fracture.

Follow Up Dates Report

Listing of all patients entered with date of fracture and date of follow up if available.

Site of Fracture Report

Listing of all patients entered with fracture date and fracture site.

Letter to Patient Report

Count and percent of patients who were given or sent a letter at site or sites, dependent upon user’s permissions.

Letter to Physician

Count and percent of patients whose physician(s) was sent a letter at site or sites, dependent upon user’s permissions.

Follow-up Report – Cal, Vit D and Rx

Report shows patients with completed follow-up and if they’re taking calcium, vitamin D and/or prescription osteoporosis medication.

Sites can run benchmarking reports showing a site’s success against the aggregate results of other Own the Bone programs. The following reports are available showing compliance by measure for both individual sites and an aggregate of sites.


Percent of eligible patients who receive counseling on calcium intake

Vitamin D

Percent of eligible patients who receive counseling on vitamin D intake


Percent of eligible patients who receive counseling on regular weight bearing and muscle strengthening exercises

Fall Prevention

Percent of eligible patients who receive counseling on prevention of falls


Percent of eligible patients who were counseled to avoid smoking

Alcohol Consumption

Percent of eligible patients who were counseled to consume an average of no more than two drinks per day

BMD/DXA Testing (Recommended)

Percent of eligible patients who were recommended to have a BMD/DXA scan

BMD/DXA Testing

Percent of eligible patients who have BMD/DXA scanning performed or scheduled within 3 months of fracture

Pharmacotherapy (Recommended)

Percent of eligible patients who received counseling recommending evidence-based pharmacotherapy for the treatment of osteoporosis or low bone density

Pharmacotherapy (Treatment Initiated)

Percent of eligible patients who receive evidence-based pharmacotherapy for the treatment of osteoporosis